
Foundations of Center-based Family Engagement

Foundations of Center-based Family Engagement


Under the “flipped classroom” approach, you will engage in individual online exploration of concepts and curriculum content, and then process new information within live group discussions that help participants organize learning and transfer it into practice.

Learning Outcomes

  • Use the PAT Foundational Curriculum in conjunction with Engaged: Building Intentional Partnerships with Families to inform family engagement practices.
  • Demonstrate understanding of partnering, facilitating, reflecting as it relates to engaging families
  • Expand your conceptual understanding of professional and person identities, beliefs, and experiences in your ability to engage families effectively.
  • Reconstruct a professional approach to engaging families using the comprehensive PAT approach.


Foundational Curriculum

Once professionals have successfully completed Foundational Training, they recieve access to all languages of the Foundational Curriculum. Through parent educator resources, parent handouts, and activity pages, the curriculum promotes and strengthens families’ knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • Child Development
  • Parenting Behaviors
  • Parent-Child Interaction
  • Development-Centered Parenting
  • Family Well-Being

The online publishing format allows content to be revised regularly, so that the content keeps ip with advances in research, new scientific insights, and updated safety recommendations.

The Foundational Curriculum supports expected outcomes in both Parents as Teachers model affiliate programs and in other settings. It does this by:

  • Support parents to understand what comes next in the progression of development so they can anticipate new behaviors and encourage development.
  • Providing up-to-date information that enhances parent educators’ knowledge base and guides their role with families, including on sensitive topics such as maternal depression, substance use, mental health, domestic violence, developmental delays, and exposure to neurotoxins.
  • Offering easy-to-read handouts designed to reinforce parents’ learning between personal visits, on topics ranging from play to sleep to nutrition to family relationships.
  • Suggesting more than 250 activities that explore parent-child interaction in the context of children’s growth and development.

The National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning (NCECDTL)’s Curriculum Consumer Report rates our Foundational Curricula highly across 15 criterion.

Ongoing access to the Foundational Curriculum is contingent upon annual renewals.

Download Curriculum Preview here.

For more information contact trainingbusiness@parentsasteachers.org

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