Virtual Service Delivery Awards, Publication and E-Learning
Parents as Teachers Receives $7 Million Grant from Philanthropist MacKenzie Scott
Parents as Teachers Co-Recipient of $1M Early Childhood Innovation Prize
Promoting Family Engagement in Home Visiting: An Overview of Innovative Efforts
Technology in Home Visiting: Strengthening Service Delivery and Professional Development Using Virtual Tools
Traube, D., Hsiao, H.Y., Rau, A., Hunt-O’Brien, D., Lu, L., Islam, N. (2019). Advancing Home Based Parenting Programs through the Use of Telehealth Technology, Journal of Child and Family Studies: 1-10.
Parents as Teachers @ USC Telehealth programmatic study
Traube, D.E., Cederbaum, J.A., Taylor, A. et al. Telehealth Training and Provider Experience of Delivering Behavioral Health Services. J Behav Health Serv Res (2020).
Casey Family Programs. (2020, Oct. 7). What do we know about services administered virtually?.
Our Virtual Voice Cafe Report