Together, We Make a Difference

Parents as Teachers partners with many individuals and organizations in pursuit of our mission including families, family engagement professionals, and donors.

Our Approach

The Parents as Teachers approach is to partner, facilitate and reflect. These processes occur at every level of our organization, from visiting a family in their home all the way through the work of the National Center.


Our belief in the strengths and capacities of families, professionals, organizations, and stakeholders drives relationships of shared power, trust, and common interest.


We work to understand perspectives, synthesize and provide accessible research-based information, apply and promote quality practices, and engage in informed decision-making.


We utilize practices to increase awareness, reveal strengths and challenges, and to explore new ideas and solutions.


We Partner With:



Families are at the heart of everything we do at Parents as Teachers. We believe in every family’s inherent capacity and knowledge as their child’s first and most influential teacher.


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Family Engagement Professionals

Parents as Teachers provides learning resources to thousands of professionals around the world. Ranging from model-certified parent educators delivering our evidence-based home visiting model, to those who use one of our award-winning curricula in their program setting, we partner with a variety of professionals working towards a shared goal: supporting families and improving outcomes for young children.


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As a nonprofit organization, Parents as Teachers relies on generous support from individuals and organizations to bring our evidence-based model to families everywhere. We invite you to join our cause and help make a lasting difference in families’ lives.


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