
Foundational II Curriculum & Training – 3 Years through Kindergarten

Foundational II Curriculum & Training – 3 Years through Kindergarten

Foundational 2 Training

Under the “flipped classroom” approach, you will engage in individual online exploration of concepts and curriculum content, and then process new information within live group discussions that help participants organize learning and transfer it into practice.
Please note: Foundational Training is a prerequisite to the Foundational 2 Training.

Learning Outcomes:
● Build knowledge and skills, and gain access to materials necessary to continue using the Parents as Teachers approach with families whose children are between three and six years of age.
● Develop understanding of changes in child development, parenting behaviors, and family well-being, while providing parent education to families whose children are between three and six years of age.

Participant feedback:
● 97% rank the overall experience of the training good or excellent
● 96% agree that the training is well organized
● 95% agree that the training activities helped them learn
● 97% rate report that the trainers were well prepared and knowledgeable

This curriculum is a continuation of the Parents as Teachers approach for those serving families with children ages three to six.

The digital book is similar in structure to the Foundational Curriculum, with hundreds of early childhood professional resources, parent handouts and activity pages around:

  • Child Development
  • Parenting Behaviors
  • Parent-Child Interaction
  • Development-Centered Parenting
  • Family Well-Being

It also includes additional web-based features and embedded videos that support early childhood professionals’ knowledge and skill development around this exciting and dynamic age group.

Download Curriculum Preview here

For more information contact trainingbusiness@parentsasteachers.org

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