
Embracing Positivity & Possibility

Parents as Teachers operates with a shared set of values and beliefs that define our culture, guide our conduct and inspire our success.

Our Vision

All children will develop, learn and grow to realize their full potential.

Our Mission

To promote the optimal early development, learning and health of children by supporting and engaging their parents and caregivers.

We Believe:

  • The early years of a child’s life are critical for optimal development and provide the foundation for success in school and in life.
  • Parents and caregivers are their children’s first and most influential teachers.
  • Established and emerging research is the foundation for caregiver and family support curricula, training, materials and services.
  • All young children and their families deserve the same opportunities to succeed, regardless of any demographic, geographic or economic considerations.
  • An understanding and appreciation of the history and traditions of diverse cultures is essential in serving families.

We Value:

Community Responsiveness

We seek out experiences and perspectives that enrich our products, services and support. We intentionally listen to, value and learn from each other’s experiences and needs. We foster an empowering environment where everyone is able to identify and develop their skills and talents. We are dedicated to advancing the rich and vibrant communities we are a part of.


We consider our relationships with each other and with our customers, partners and stakeholders to be central to our success. We cultivate positive and supportive relationships that facilitate effective communication, meaningful collaboration and the development of valuable products and services.

Integrity & Accountability

As an organization, we have clear expectations and priorities for ourselves and for the implementation of our services. We hold ourselves to high ethical and moral standards, striving for authenticity and trustworthiness in all we do. We take initiative and ownership, following through on our commitments. We are careful stewards of the resources and responsibilities entrusted to our care, keeping our vision and mission front and center in all that we do, while making a significant impact on families and communities.

Learning & Growth

We believe that in order to thrive, we as individuals and as an organization must learn and grow on an ongoing basis. We engage in reflection and data-informed decision making at all  levels of our organization. We recognize that excellence is an ongoing pursuit and, therefore, engage in continuous quality improvement throughout our organization. We are committed to providing high quality research-based, evidence-informed products and services.

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