Parents as Teachers 2025 International Conference
Visit for all the latest conference information.
Join us in beautiful San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Oct. 13 – 16 at the Puerto Rico Convention Center for the 2025 Parents as Teachers International Conference!
Four days of professional development including excellent workshops, plenary panel discussions, powerful keynote speakers, fun-filled networking opportunities, and exchanges of the latest trends in home visiting await you under the theme Reach New Heights/Alcanzar Nuevas Alturas.
During the conference, you’ll also discover the lively city vibes in downtown San Juan, where authentic local flavors come together at exquisite restaurants and bars. San Juan has a rich culinary scene that blends various cultures and influences, and the convention center is just minutes away from where it all goes down.
We will offer Pre-Conference and Conference workshops to inspire, train and add to your professional development. General sessions and keynote speakers will provide you with insight from experts. The 2025 Parents as Teachers International Conference will help you cultivate lasting peer-to-peer relationships and contacts while also gaining valuable and quality education.
The 2025 Parents as Teachers International Conference is a hybrid event, with workshops, keynote speakers, general sessions and networking opportunities available to both in-person and virtual attendees. While we encourage folks to join us in San Juan, we are also offering a virtual attendance option, so you can watch live plenaries and access workshop recordings during Conference from your computer. And the learning doesn’t stop when conference ends! In-person and virtual attendees will have access to all live-streamed Conference content on the digital platform until December 1, 2025.
Experience a collaboration of worldwide experts and leaders with proven results you can use in your own professional educational programs. Our partnerships continue to grow year-after-year and we will enlighten and coach you on the newest ways to help parents to be their child’s best, first teacher. CLICK HERE to learn more!
Parents as Teachers 2025 Annual Day at the Ballpark
Join Parents as Teachers at our annual Day at the Ballpark! The St. Louis Cardinals face off against the New York Mets on Sunday, May 4, 2025 at 1:15pm. Tickets can be purchased for $35 which includes:
(Sections 166 – 169)
• a seat in the 3rd base Lower Left Field Box
• a commemorative t-shirt
• a hot dog and soda to enjoy while you watch the game!
You may also choose to make a donation, which will go towards providing families enrolled in the local Show Me Strong Families program the chance to attend the game for free!
PLUS, the Cardinals are giving away a custom bag to the first 20,000 fans in the stadium!
The first pitch will be thrown out by Washington University St. Louis Brown School Dean and Professor, Dorian Traube. Dorian has a long history of partnership with Parents as Teachers and has contributed significantly to the research and learning of the organization.