Hear from families all over the world about how Parents as Teachers impacted their lives and created bright futures for their children.

“When I first learned that I was pregnant, I wasn’t planning to keep my baby, but after working with Parents as Teachers, they gave me the confidence and now I have a beautiful baby girl. At the time, I was homeless living in a maternal shelter for women and my parent educator and Parents as Teachers connected me with housing and taught me how to bond with my baby and now, I am on my feet and forever grateful to them.”

-Megan, Parents as Teachers parent


I just want to report my experience with PAT and Mrs. Robin Lloyd whom I find just phenomenally excellent as an advocate. She represents the organization in such a graceful and humble manner. I have been working with her for a little over two months now and I have experienced a Miraculous change in my life.
It was as if she planted a seed that gives me strength to go harder and farther; to remember who I am and where I came from and the key to winning is giving. I want to give a BIG THANKS to her and Parents as Teachers!
-Julia , Parents as Teachers parent


“I love Parents as Teachers and I’m calling Ms. Robin (a PAT Doula) the next time I get pregnant. She is so nurturing. I would definitely recommend the program to my family and friends and anyone thinking about having a baby.”
-Kaylin, Parents as Teachers’ Show Me Strong Families mother


“Virtual visits have helped my family during the pandemic by giving my children something to look forward to and a familiar face to interact with. They have given us an outlet to communicate with our parent educator and navigate the unknown during these trying times. Most importantly, they have given me some amazing tips and the resources I need to be the best mom to my children during this pandemic.”
-Vanessa, Parents as Teachers parent


“My Parent Educator has been in my life a long time. Thanks to her and the Parents as Teacher program, I can handle my own money and don’t have to rely on my wife to budget it for me. Now, I can save money for my kids and the whole family. That makes me feel really good.”
-Terrence, Parents as Teachers parent


“Parents as Teachers is Missouri’s Greatest Export.”
-Christopher S. “Kit” Bond, Former U.S. Senator, Missouri governor and a lifetime member of Parents as Teachers’ board of directors.


“Home visiting is the best investment in families to get them on the right start. Home visiting delivers results for families, specifically those at risk and struggling with substance abuse, and can prevent entry into foster care.”
-U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ)


“The Parents as Teachers program can be considered Missouri’s gift to the field of early childhood education.”
-The late Mrs. Mildred Winter, Parents as Teachers founder.


“Parents as Teachers helps my families move mountains by focusing on the strengths they possess as parents. We work collaboratively to empower them to find their voice, and advocate not only for their children, but for themselves, and their community.”
– Aviva Page, Parent Educator


“Parents as Teachers has helped our kids increase their learning curiosity, and gave us the confidence to know that we are on the right path.”
– Andria, Parents as Teachers parent


“Parents Educators partner with parents, identifying their strengths. This teaches families which behaviors have the most positive impact on the first three years of their child’s life.”
– Tracey Becht, Parent Educator 

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