From the News

New York Times highlights doula program, home visiting

Parents as Teachers was recently featured in an article above the fold on the front page of the New York Times newspaper resulting in other news outlets such as MSNBC, NBC, KMOX-AM radio, and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch conducting interviews with our President & CEO Constance Gully and some staff members and Parents as Teachers families! This incredible piece of reporting is the culmination of our conversations, including two visits to St. Louis, over the past year with the reporter, Erica L. Green. The article and other media coverage highlight how our Show Me Strong Families affiliate layers certified doulas along with the Parents as Teachers evidence-based model to improve vitality outcomes for birthing people and newborns.

Over the next year, the National Center is excited to continue to learn more about how our field utilizes doula services and supports expansion efforts. To view the entire Parents as Teachers New York Times story, click here: (subscription required).

Donors respond to positive media coverage

  • “We saw the article today—Congratulations! What a powerful story that illustrates the importance of addressing Black maternal health in such a personal way. We hope this coverage brings more attention to the issue and more supporters into your important work.”
  • “I wanted to add my congratulations on an incredibly powerful and inspiring piece. We’ll be sure to amplify it on our channels and hope the article brings more attention and support to your work.”
  • “Thanks so much for your note. This was the first time I’d heard of doulas as part of Parents as Teachers. What a wonderful program and a good fit. The doulas are making a critical difference in the lives of the women and babies with whom they work.”
  • “We are so moved by the stories. Knowing the Show Me Strong Family team, I am so thrilled their gifts of care can be a model for many.”

In the days following the publication of the article, Parents as Teachers received several new donations. There were 11 new individual donors, with an average gift size of $203, one $1,000 donor, six from the East Coast, one from St. Louis, and four from the West Coast. One of these gifts has become a monthly donation.

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