Have you checked out PAT Engage yet? JOIN US!

A Conversation about PAT Engage- Office Hours

Come join National Center staff, Moxo staff and other affiliate supervisors for a conversation. We want to learn about your experiences with staff and parent adoption, and what are both the successes and pain points for your affiliate, etc.

Feb. 18, 2025 1:00 pm Central Time (US and Canada)
Register Here

What is PAT Engage?

PAT Engage is a no cost tool for Parents as Teachers Affiliates to enhance parent/parent educator engagement and streamline services to families.

Parents can easily communicate via text, voice or video recording, and access curricula and other resources right on their phone.
The PAT Engage app is a tool to increase engagement and communication between parents and parent educators. It offers:

  • A dedicated place for parent educators and parents or other caregivers to hold conversations
  • Parent-facing handouts from the Foundational 1 Curriculum that can be shared with families
  • An app-based interface for parents and an app and desktop interface for parent educators
  • A video conferencing platform
  • Visit scheduling with parents
  • A digital way to send reminders for group connections, community events and other important dates

All model certified parent educators in Parents as Teachers affiliates have received an email from moxtra.com. Download the app on your phone or tablet or login via the email to set up your account.

Get started by exploring the materials and user guides that are found on the model implementation workspace under the PAT Engage tab.
For questions, email PATEngage@parentsasteachers.org

Affiliates can complete this form to request an invitation to access PAT Engage. All parent educators in that affiliate will receive the invitation emails to get started.

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