From the News

Are You #VoteReady?

Opportunities abound for us to make our voices heard about the importance of home visiting and other ways to support families served by home visiting. Every vote truly matters. In 2016, the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania were decided by a combined 77,744 votes. And in 2020, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia were decided by just 42,918 votes.

At Parents as Teachers, we know the stakes are high, and we encourage and celebrate our democratic process and want to make sure you and your programs have the tools to be informed at the ballot box. Be sure to check out our “Voter Engagement Toolkit.” Additionally, the National Collaborative for Infants and Toddlers (of which we are a member) has partnered with the League of Women Voters to create a one-stop shop with everything you need to get registered to vote, research what’s on your ballot, and make a plan for Election Day.

We’ve also teamed up with National Voter Registration Day to promote voter registration and education during this critical election year. This month is a great time to make or check your voter registration. Many states have changed laws regarding voter registration since the last presidential election so it’s good to verify you’re still on the rolls and if you need to make any changes to your address. We hope you’ll spread the word to your colleagues and partners and the families you serve! Download and print this flier to share with families and to post in your break room or at your upcoming events. A quick scan of the QR code will take you to a one-stop shop to check and update your registration no matter your state.

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