From the News

Parents as Teachers Virtual Service Delivery data

Since mid-March, about 670 Parents as Teachers affiliates (two-thirds of 1,000) have reported delivering 103,961 virtual visits (64,574 video-conferencing and 39,387 telecommunication).

Parents as Teachers offers a yearly parent satisfaction survey directly to about 3,500 families.

A subset of the data taken between March and May 2020 depicts the early satisfaction results from families’ experiences with virtual service delivery indicate that: 92% were satisfied with their video call visits (1,112 families responded), and 86% were satisfied with their phone call visits (753 families responded).

Parents as Teachers and the University of Southern California conducted a Virtual Home Visiting pilot from 2015–2019; a programmatic case study describes the challenges and learning from the pilot. To view a parent who participated in the Parents as Teachers @ USC Telehealth project sharing her experience of virtual home visitation, play the video below.

The Journal of Child and Family Studies published a manuscript demonstrating the feasibility of the Parents as Teachers model components being implemented within a virtual service delivery mechanism. Retrieve the manuscript from

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