From the News

Fort Worth gets creative with family engagement

IVC visit

IVC visit

The Parents as Teachers team at the Fort Worth Independent School District (FWISD) in Fort Worth, Texas, is getting creative with engaging their families during the health crisis.

The team started a Virtual Spirit Week, where each day, families share images and videos of the day’s activities with their parent educators and on the Parents as Teachers Facebook Group. The Facebook Group has also been an excellent tool for getting materials and resources to families as well as making sure families stay connected with their parent educators.

The FWISD is one of the earliest Parents as Teachers programs in the country. FWISD started serving families in 1987 as part of a pilot with three other programs. The program currently serves about 750 families. Fort Worth was the first city in Texas to close schools due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Virtual Spirit Week

Virtual Spirit Week

Wednesday - Drop Everything and Read

Wednesday – Drop Everything and Read

Thursday - Outside Day

Thursday – Outside Day

Parent educators are also making sure to connect families with the PAT resources they know and trust. Check out these kiddos enjoying and learning during a nature walk and playing with bubbles!

Nature walkNature walk

More nature walk amazing discoveries

Bubbles for babies

Bubbles for babies

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